One of the most important aspects of running a business is ensuring that you take good care of your customers. However, with so many available technologies and software solutions, picking suitable options can be challenging.
Неподходящият програмен продукт може да доведе до неочаквани разходи, да не споменаваме проблемите с мащабирането. Затова много компании преминават към използването на контактен център като услуга (CCaaS). И така, какво е CCaaS и как точно може да ви помогне?
Какво е контактен център като услуга?
CCaaS или контактен център като услуга е облачен софтуерен продукт предназначен да ви помогне в по-ефективното управление на услугите на контактния център. Компаниите зад CCaaS осигуряват пълно обслужване и поддръжка на всички технологии на контактния център за подобряване качеството на обслужване на клиентите.
The idea is to create a robust contact center operated by the service provider, which drastically reduces your overall IT costs. These unique software solutions are designed to help you handle all inbound customer interactions and improve the overall customer experience. The most popular tools are cloud-based customer experience solutions that allow you to quickly address issues across every communication channel without worrying about maintenance or upgrades.
Need a contact center software?
LiveAgent’s contact center software allows you to easily, conveniently and effectively manage all your customer interactions from a single place.
Как работи контактният център?
Many people confuse contact centers and call centers. While the two terms might sound similar, a contact center accepts inquiries from multiple channels, while a call center uses only the traditional phone system. Most contact center software is powered by cloud technology. It allows businesses to improve the quality of their customer service across all interaction channels, including email, text, phone calls, website, or social media.
Contact center infrastructure is a huge challenge to set up on your legacy systems, which is why most companies use these modern cloud-based CCaaS solutions. An online solution offers better contact center functionality and advanced features such as an automatic call distributor, a predictive dialer, skills-based routing, interactive voice response, or multiple forms of voice calls. That is only possible with a cloud-based phone system, while a traditional phone system is limited.
Каква е разликата между контактен и кол център?
A call center allows you to make and receive calls, while a contact center supports omnichannel customer interaction. In other words, a cloud-based contact center solution will enable customers to reach your support team through email, live chat, phone calls, website, or social media.
While a classic call center is either an inbound call center or an outbound call center, a contact center platform includes communication through all digital channels. Most contact center cloud solutions are designed to help improve the efficiency of your agents while improving overall customer satisfaction.

It can be an inbound contact center or an outbound contact center, depending on your needs. You can also opt for an on-premises contact center if you don’t want a cloud-based solution. It works the same as an on-premises call center, with the ability to manage inquiries from digital channels.
Какви са различните видове контактни центрове?
Има няколко различни вида контактни центрове предназначени за определени сфери на дейност и приложения. Ето бърз преглед на основните видове контактни центрове.
1. Виртуален контактен център
Виртуалният контактен център е облачен продукт, позволяващ на екипа ви за обслужване на клиентите да помага на клиентите ви от всяка точка на света. Дава възможност на служителите ви да управляват всички запитвания и обаждания дистанционно.
2. Локален контактен център
Локалният контактен център оперира от едно място. Освен географските ограничения, компаниите трябва да инвестират много време, средства и усилия в управлението на локалните контактни центрове. И не на последно място всички служители на контактния център трябва да обработват запитванията на клиентите от един и същ офис. Затова тази възможност е много по-ограничена отколкото облачния модел на контактен център.
A cloud contact center software is also a better solution because it can keep working even if your HQ loses power or experiences any other issue. Your agents will simply continue providing customer support remotely, and you won’t have to worry about extra expenses on hardware and other equipment.
Do your customers demand a seamless omnichannel experience?
Meet and exceed customers' expectations with LiveAgent's contact center software.
Каква е разликата между UCaaS и CCaaS?
Both UCaaS and CCaaS are technologies used to manage customer communication. While there are some differences between them, they work best when combined. For example, UCaaS focuses on internal collaboration, while CCaaS focuses more on multi-channel communication with customers. When combined, UCaaS and CCaaS offer unified communications as a service model, helping you save many overhead costs.
Какви са ползите на контактен център като услуга?
Облачните системи за контактен център ви дават дълъг списък с ползи, които не само ще оптимизират работата на екипа ви за обслужване като цяло, но и ще ви помогнат да намалите общите си разходи. Повечето CCaaS продукти са свързани с ползи като:
- Workforce optimization
- Enhanced customer satisfaction
- Reduced downtime
- Rapid innovation by adding new features
- Cloud migrations
- The ability to increase employee productivity
- A safe and affordable upfront investment
- Substantial cost savings when compared to legacy systems
- A drastic reduction in the cost of ownership
- Customer experience analytics
- Better business outcomes in the long run
All-in-one multichannel contact center
Start your 30-day free trial and discover all that LiveAgent has to offer.
Video overview of the contact center as a service
Uncover the numerous benefits of adopting CCaaS for your organization. Explore how it enables scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency, eliminating the need for on-premises infrastructure and providing agility in managing customer interactions. Understand how CCaaS empowers businesses to optimize resource allocation, improve agent productivity, and achieve higher customer satisfaction rates.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is a contact center as a service?
Contact center as a service or CCaaS is a special software solution designed to improve and streamline customer services throughout all channels such as email, live chat, phone calls, website, or social media.
How does a contact center work?
A contact center allows your customer support agents to manage customer inquiries from all channels from a single platform. It is the best solution for scaling customer support, and it allows you to set up a remote customer support team if you opt for the cloud version.
What is the difference between a contact center and a call center?
A traditional call center allows your customers to call you if they need help. In contrast, a contact center allows your customer support team to manage inbound inquiries from many different customer service channels.
What are the different types of contact centers?
Contact centers are divided into two primary types — on-premises contact centers and cloud-based contact centers. The first option requires full software installation within your company’s offices, while the latter option provides more flexibility since it’s cloud-based. Moreover, cloud-based contact center software solutions are maintained, updated, and optimized by the contact center provider, while on-site solutions have higher IT costs and maintenance needs.
What is the difference between UCaaS and CCaaS?
UCaaS stands for unified communications as a service, and they include a few basic communication tools. They are mostly used to improve internal communication and streamline workflow through collaboration. CCaaS focuses on multichannel communication through a single platform. Most solutions are entirely cloud-based, reducing the costs of maintenance and improving overall customer support quality.
What are the benefits of a contact center as a service?
CCaaS provides all kinds of benefits to business owners as well as the customers. Some of the most significant benefits are reduction of ongoing costs, employee tracking and performance reporting, real-time communication with customers across multiple channels, exceptional customer experience, flexibility and scalability, increased customer satisfaction, and many others.
След като прочетете за контактен център като услуга, може да се заинтересувате да разберете повече за най-добрия софтуер за контактен център. Той може да предложи безпроблемно преживяване на услугата и да подобри управлението на вашия бизнес.
Контактният център срещу кол центъра
Discover the key differences between call centers and contact centers. Learn how each supports customer communication effectively.
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